Tsunami Mentawai

Tsunami Mentawai

The world mourned again after the shock that occurred in the Mentawai tsunami, tsunami measuring over 7 on the Richter scale.

Victims of the tsunami was not the only residents in the vicinity of the venue but also many foreigners, and reportedly there were about nine people who took part surfers become victims of the tsunami.

They were declared missing after the ship was hit by a host tsunami tidal waves, the surfers when the incident is being located in the Mentawai to surf.

According to news obtained from survivors, two ships carrying Australian birtu clashed after hit by tsunami waves up to, until the second ship on fire until the passengers missing, and so far there has been no news about the victims.

And so far the victim is estimated to have reached dozens of people and many hundreds of people who have not been found, due to the tsunami disaster.
Tsunami Victims of Natural Disasters and the Mentawai Islands. Mentawai tsunami disaster left deep sorrow for the families who lost relatives and members. Not only that, it takes time and costs did little to rebuild and restore this Mentawai Islands psychological condition of victims. Until now, according to news reported by victims Mentawai continue falling, not less than 350 people killed, not including about 400 people missing and 160 people injured due to the sweep of the tsunami that struck the Mentawai.

High state officials had already started to arrive, along with Vice President Budiono has reviewed the disaster site and meet the refugees and disaster victims. Assistance from within and outside the country began to arrive. Police personnel of 123 people of West Sumatra, Departure location to bring disaster relief, where they also helped her search for victims who are still missing.

Mentawai earthquake-tsunami disaster, it seized the attention of all, not only domestically but from abroad. Moreover, the number of casualties very much, even going to continue to grow, since there are many who until now has not been found.
I really sad when I see that news about tsunami mentawai. I really want to offer my help with giving them clothes and money. I hope everything gonna be okay in there. I always pray for them and for Indonesia. I love Indonesia.
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